Attempts to request a clearer schedule for the maintenance release only get answers of “when it’s ready” or descriptions of how hard they are working on the 3.X product which will be a unified code base with both PD and the announced Parallels Server, have near simultaneous releases on all platforms, generally be the greatest thing since sliced bread, and more than make up for the wait. Meanwhile, nearly a month ago, a maintenance release of PWS 2.X (the current Win/Lin version) was promised to be coming “very soon”, although one Parallels employee has hinted that it may not come until Fall.

A promised 3.X upgrade was pushed back due to the unexpected challenges in developing the Mac product and is now projected for at least Q4 of 2007. Specifically, the posted PWS releases are 8-months old and will not install/run correctly on Vista or any Linux with a kernel version of 2.6.19 or later. Worse seems to be a sentiment among users of Parallels Workstation (PWS), their Windows and Linux product, that PWS users have been “virtually” abandoned as Parallels chases after the Mac and server markets. It is interesting to note that a quick read of Parallels’ own forums ( ) reveals that many other PD customers seem to share the sentiments expressed above re: PD vs.